Interested In Being a Client?
Do you need a new space for your project or land based enterprise? Are you interested in being a ShelterCraft roundhouse client?
This page lays out some basics about being a ShelterCraft client, once you’ve read through you can send us a message to request a more in-depth information pack!
The Basics
ShelterCraft is a mobile enterprise – every course we run provides a beautiful, practical space for a new client, and a valuable learning experience for our students. Roundhouse symbiosis!
We like to work with clients who share our interest in the development of sustainable practices, and building low-impact structures. One of the most important of our values is working to build caring and resilient communities. Many of our previous clients have been projects working towards environmental and social justice. Nothing makes us happier than providing spaces we know will be used and valued by people doing important work! You can read more about our previous clients here.

How It Works
Our clients pay a fee for the building materials and project management, and the ShelterCraft team handles the organising, advertising, bookings, student comms, basecamp prep, the teaching, and the clearing up! Many of our clients are social enterprises that source external funding for the build.
Note: Our courses are residential, so we need to make sure we have space and basic amenities for 25 or so people during the 9 days of the course!
Some clients like to hand everything over to ShelterCraft and let us get on with it, but if you’re interested in having a more hands-on approach, this is also something we can accommodate!
The whole process is a conversation between ourselves and the client – we like to work communicatively and collaboratively with you to make sure the experience is suited to you and your project!

Please note, we are currently not taking any new applications. Watch this space for availability in future!